Helpful articles on items such as adding a rubric, cross listing a course, removing multiple roles, supported browsers, etc.
Use this guide to watch an instructional video on how to cross list class sections within Canvas.
Information regarding accessing past Canvas course information and files.
Instructions for accessing submissions of a dropped student in Canvas
Instructions for adding a student to your Canvas course.
Use this article article to add a Rubric to an assignment. Please note that once an assignment is published, adding a Rubric may not be an option.
Information on adding captions to Canvas recordings using Microsoft Stream.
Follow these instructions for adding comments or updating status to Canvas student grades.
The article describes what Ally is and contains training guides on how to use it.
Information on Canvas "dummy" courses/course templates.
Information about dividing a Canvas course into sections.
Information on uncross-listing courses in Canvas.
Information on viewing ALL of your Canvas courses.
Information regarding due dates vs. availability dates in Canvas.
Information regarding the Canvas Conference BigBlueButton integration.
Information about the Canvas Course Evals link.
Information regarding enhancements, external tools/features and LTIs in Canvas.
Information regarding the eventual depreciation of the Canvas Google Drive integration and reasoning for why ITS does not support the feature.
Basic Canvas vocabulary and information.
The article explains the What-If Grades feature in Canvas.
Instructions for using Office 365 for course collaborations in Canvas
Find information on how to create group sets and groups in canvas.
A self-help guide for instructors wishing to set up online, one-on-one office hours withing Canvas as well as instructions for students making appointments.
Instructions for resetting Canvas course content.
Steps to give a student a unique or special due date in Canvas.
Information on hiding student grades/submission comments in Canvas.
Instructions for adding a course to your Canvas dashboard.
Instructions for assigning an assignment to a group in a Canvas course.
Instructions for hiding Canvas navigation items.
Instructions for publishing a Canvas course.
Instructions for uploading a syllabus to a Canvas course.
Information on how to add a TA / users to your canvas course.
Information on how to create a assignment in canvas.
Troubleshooting information for when images do not load in Canvas.
Instructions for fixing the "the email cannot be sent since the class has already been completed" in Canvas.
Information regarding a Respondus Lockdown Browser download error.
Information about customizing Canvas course navigation/
Instructions for publishing and unpublishing various items in Canvas.
Use this article to change the role of a student or person within Canvas.
Information on process for requesting a Canvas LTI integration.
An example Canvas course timeline.
Instructions for enabling Canvas Studio so students can see it.
How to submit a large file for an assignment in Canvas using One Drive.
Instructions for adding a video to a page within a Canvas course.
Difference between Graders and TAs in Canvas.
How to find answers to BGSU/Canvas tech questions.
Instructions for updating a Canvas course End Date.
Information regarding the creation of Canvas course templates and their impact on existing content.