Canvas Conferences/BigBlueButton


Can I use the BigBlueButton Canvas Conferences feature?


BigBlueButton has partnered with Canvas to provide all customers with a free version of the tool. Instructors can use BigBlueButton to create conferences and invite students, and students can use conferences from within their student group. BGSU does not have a paid license for the integration, so instructors are only able to use the free version.

To access BigBlueButton:

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course.
  2. Select BigBlueButton from the left navigation menu. 
  3. Select + Conference
  4. Enter the following information: 

    Type BigBlueButton 
    Duration: Use 60 or update 
    Optional: Enable recording and no time limit
    Description: Optionally, describe the conference
    Invite Course Members: You can add any user in your course to your conference. However, once a user has been invited, the user cannot be removed from the conference.
  5. Select Update

Please note: BigBlueButton does not allow the instructor to invite users outside of their Canvas course, and there can only be 10 active meetings in total for BGSU users at any given time. ITS recommends using Zoom in Canvas for conferencing needs. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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