Collaborating in Canvas Using Microsoft OneDrive


As an instructor, how do I set up collaborations in Canvas using the Microsoft OneDrive application? 


Follow these instructions to setup OneDrive for collaborating in Canvas.  

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course.
  2. Select Collaborations from the left menu. 
  3. Under Start a New Collaboration select the Microsoft OneDrive option from the Collaborate using: drop-down menu. 
    1. If prompted, SelecLog In.  
    2. Select Log In to Office 365
    3. Select Accept from the Permissions Requested window. 
  4. Once the login is successful, select either Word, Excel, or PowerPoint from the Type drop-down. 
  5. Add a Document Name and Description for this Collaboration document.
  6. To add users to this Collaboration, simply select the person’s name located under People (all users with access to the course will be listed). 
  7. When they are added, their name will be moved to the Collaborators section of this page. 
  8. Once you have finished adding the appropriate people to the collaborate document, scroll down and select Save
  9. This document will now be available to the Collaborators you selected, through the Collaborations section of Canvas. 

If a student is unable to see the Collaborations option, it may be that that the instructor has not enabled it for that course.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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