Creating Online Office Hour Sign-Ups in Canvas


How can I create sign-ups for online/virtual office hours in Canvas?


To create appointments for students to join one-on-one office hour appointments, follow these steps:

Instructor Setup

Create Zoom Meeting

  1. Navigate to the Zoom web portal and log in with your BGSU credentials. 
  2. Select Schedule a Meeting from the top left. 
  3. Enter your meeting topic
  4. Under Time Zone, select the check box for Recurring meeting
    • From the Recurrence drop-down menu, select No Fixed Time
  5. Under Video
    • Select Host: On.
  6. Under Meeting Options
    • Select Enable join before host.
    • Uncheck Mute Participants Upon Entry.
    • Select Automatically record meeting
  7. Select Save
  8. Copy the Invite Link generated for your meeting. 

Create Canvas Signup

  1. Login to Canvas. 
  2. Select the Calendar icon from the left navigation. 
  3. Select the plus (+) button in the top right corner of the calendar screen. 
  4. Select Appointment Group from the window that appears. 
  5. Enter the Name of the appointment.
  6. In the Location, enter the meeting invite link you created in the steps above.
  7. From the calendar box, select the class you would like to create these appointments for.
  8. Select the Date(s) and Time Range(s) for your office hours
  9. Enter how long you would like each appointment slot to be (for example, 30 minutes).
  10. Select Go to create a series of events for each of those dates/time ranges. 
  11. Select the Limit each slot to 1 users box.
    • This ensures only one student can attend each appointment. 
  12. Select the Limit participants to attend 1 appointment(s) box. 
    • If you would like your students to be able to attend more than one appointment, leave this box unchecked. 
  13. In the Details field, indicate that you would like the student to join you via Zoom meeting and add the link to your Zoom meeting invite link (see Step 6), and also notify the student that the meeting will be locked so they will need to be invited before they can join. Add any additional details as needed. 
  14. Select Publish to add to your calendar. 
  15. To view who has signed up for an appointment:
    1. Select the date/time of the appointment.
    2. Select Group Details
    3. Scroll to Appointments at the bottom of the page. Here you can view who has signed up for each appointment, which appointments are still available, and you can also message the students who have signed up.

Student Appointment Booking

  1. Login to Canvas. 
  2. Select the Calendar icon from the left navigation. 
  3. Select the Find Appointment button from the right side of the calendar screen.
  4. Locate and select your course from the drop-down in the Select Course pop-up window.
  5. Select Submit
  6. This will display all available appointments for that specific course onto the calendar. 
  7. Select the date/time for which you would like to sign up.
  8. Enter any comments you would like into the Comments field. 
  9. Select Reserve.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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