How Do I Upload a Syllabus To Canvas?


How do I upload a syllabus to my Canvas course?


Follow the steps below to upload a syllabus to your Canvas course.

  1. Login to
  2. Select the Courses icon from the left navigation.
  3. Select All Courses.
  4. Select the course for which you would like to upload a syllabus (Spring 2020 courses will begin with 2202).
  5. Select Syllabus from the left navigation.
  6. Select Edit in the top right of the screen.
  7. Select Insert on the menu under Syllabus Description.
  8. Select Document button followed by Upload Document.
  9. Navigate to your syllabus and upload it.
  10. After returning to the main screen, enter the descriptor text you wish for your students to see, including a line of text to link to your syllabus file.
    • Example text: Be sure to review the syllabus before the start of class!
  11. Highlight the text you would like to link to your syllabus.
  12. Select the name of your syllabus from the files section on the right.
  13. Select Update Syllabus.
  14. If your course is already published, your syllabus will now be available to students. If you have not yet published your course, you will need to do so by following these instructions before students will be able to view your syllabus. 

For instructions on hiding navigation items please review this article

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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