Set Outlook Calendar to Indicate Working Elsewhere (Remotely)


How do I set up my Outlook calendar to indicate that I am working elsewhere/remotely?


BGSU's default work environment is on-campus; however, some employees may work remotely part-time or full-time. ITS recommends that staff working remotely set their calendar availability status to "Working Elsewhere" on the dates they are working off-campus. This provides insight when scheduling meetings to ensure the proper meeting format is available. For example, if a person's calendar is set to Working Elsewhere on a date/time that a meeting is scheduled, the meeting host should ensure a remote options such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom is available. 

Follow the instructions below to set your Outlook calendar status to Working Elsewhere for the dates/times you will be working remotely:

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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