How Do I Assign an Assignment to a Group in a Course?


How do I assign an assignment to a group in my course?


  1. From the Course Navigation, select the Assignments link.
  2. Select the Add Assignment button.
  3. Enter a name and description for your assignment, as well as any other assignment details.
  4. Select the This is a Group Assignment checkbox.
  5. You can choose to assign grades to students individually by selecting the Assign Grades to Each Student Individually checkbox.
    • Note: If this box is left unchecked, all the students in the group will receive the same grade.
  6. To select an existing group set, select the Group Set drop-down menu. To create a new group category, select the New Group Category button.
  7. Set Due Date, Available From, and Until date.
  8. Save and Publish.

Additional Information Regarding Group Assignments

Viewing Content and Student Activity Within a Group As An Instructor

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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