Adding Captions to Canvas Videos Using Microsoft Stream


How do I create captions for my lecture video?


Creating Your Captions

1. Use Camtasia, or your video editor of choice, to create a video that does not already have captions.
2. Log in to your BGSU email and select the app drawer at the top left.
3. Select Microsoft Stream.
4. Select Create, and then select Upload Video.
5. Select Browse, and then locate the video that you would like to upload.
6. You do not need to include many details when uploading your video, you will only be using Microsoft Stream to create the captions.
7. Scroll down to the Permissions sections and uncheck the Allow everyone in your company to view this video box, then select Yes.
8. Scroll down and select Publish. You will now see that your video is processing. This processing step can take a while, but you do not need to stay on the page while the video processes. You will receive an email (in about twice the length of the video's timeline) letting you know that the video is published.
9. Navigate back to Microsoft Stream in your browser and select the My Content button, and then Videos, in the menu bar at the top.
10. Select the name of the video to watch the video and review the transcripts. If you find that something is incorrect in the transcript, you can select the Edit button (that looks like a checkmark) to edit the line that is incorrect.
11. Once you are happy with your transcript, go back to the My Content button, and select Videos again.
12. Select the pencil icon that is to the right of the video's name you created captions for.
13. Select the Download File link. This will create a file that you will upload into Canvas.

Uploading Transcripts to Canvas

1. Log in to Canvas and locate the page, assignment, discussion, or quiz you to which you would like to upload the video.
2. Select Edit.
3. Use the Rich Text Editor to upload your video by selecting Upload Media, then select Select Video File. Find the video that you would like to upload. This should be the same video you used to create captions so the transcript aligns properly.
4. Give your video a title and wait for the upload to complete.
5. Once your video is finished uploading, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Save button.
6. When the page loads, click the video so that it starts playing and then click the pause button.
7. Select the Closed Caption button (CC) in the lower right-hand corner of the media player.
8. Select the Upload Subtitles link.
9. Under Step 3, choose English as your language.
10. Select Choose File, navigate to the file that was downloaded from Microsoft Stream. Select the orange Upload button.
11. You should see a green heading on the page letting you know that your upload was successful, refresh your page for the changes to take place.
12. To see the captions on your video, select CC in the media player, select English and the subtitles will be displayed on your video.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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