Knowledge Base

Categories (8)


Canvas, Office 365, PeopleSoft CSS/FMS/HCM, OnBase, Adobe Experience Manager(AEM), EvaluationKit, Adobe Sign, etc.

BGSU Accounts

MyBGSU, BGSU email, passwords, Duo Two Factor Authentication, account security, Access BGSU, etc.

Classrooms & Labs

Classroom equipment & training, classroom descriptions, lab descriptions & reservations, classroom issues, classroom schedules, general troubleshooting and more.

Communication Tools

BGSU telephones, Cisco Jabber, voicemail, fax services, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Zoom, Microsoft Forms.

IT Troubleshooting, Requests & Guidelines

ITS processes and general device troubleshooting.

Network Services

Guides for connecting to the BGSU wireless networks (eduroam, Resmedianet), guest access, and off campus access (VPN).


Campus printing guides, including: print management vendor support, office/department printing, personal printing and Student Printing services.

University & Personal Devices

University device requests, purchases, moves & returns, connect personal devices (computers, mobile devices, gaming & streaming devices, etc.) to the BGSU network.

Articles (2)

Save ITS Service or Knowledge Base Article to Favorites

How to favorite ITS services and KB articles in TeamDynamix.

What is the Difference Between the ITS Service Catalog and Knowledge Base?

Information regarding the IT Service Catalog and Knowledge Base, inlcuding their differences and what users will find in each.