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    Services or Offerings?
    Use this page reserve audiovisual and/or conference equipment.

    Use this service to request assistance when using or accessing the Bridge training application.

    Use this page to request the creation of a Commons Group in Canvas Commons

    Request a computer lab utilization report for your lab

    Request assistance with a Four Winds digital sign or software, or the decommissioning of a digital sign that is no longer needed.  If this is an immediate need, please call ITS at 419-372-0999.

    Request a Microsoft Bookings site for your department/team.

    Submit a request for a new single sign-on configuration or modification to an existing one.

    Review this page for information on obtaining PeopleSoft Access, including CSS, FMS or HCM Access.

    Use this service to request the creation of a new Power BI report, or to request changes to an existing Power BI report.

    Use this page to request access to Transaction System Enterprise (TSE)

    Use this service to request a Turnitin instructor account.

    Request ITS support for purchasing and installing a new or replacement television for use in a shared space.

    Use this service for new software installs after reviewing the standard office software available for installation on University-owned employee or shared computers.
    Device owners should submit requests for software installation on their device(s). Supervisors/faculty should submit software installation requests for student/shared devices.

    *For planning purposes, please allow a minimum of 15 business days for the delivery of the requested system. Time is required for processing, shipping and delivery of orders. We cannot guarantee items will be delivered within 15 business days.

    Request a University-owned device such as a laptop or monitor. This could be a purchase or quote request, a replacement device request, a request for a new hire (faculty or staff), a device add-on/accessory request for current employees, requests for devices for a University event, and/or a request for a student/shared device.
    View this article for more information on what is included with University laptops:

    Add, change or remove a BGSU fax account.