Turnitin Instructor Account Request

Who can use it?

BGSU faculty.

What is it?

Turnitin is the originality checking and plagiarism prevention service used by Bowling Green State University. Instructors and students interact with this service through Canvas. A new Turnitin integration permits instructors to create Turnitin-enabled assignments in Canvas. 

Instructions for using this integration are available here.

More information on creating Turnitin-enabled Canvas assignments can be found here

Turnitin is also available for instructor use outside of Canvas. Instructors can review individual work for publications, manuscripts, and thesis/dissertation papers. Use the request form on this page to request a Turnitin account. 

How to request it?

 Please submit the request form on this page. 

How to use it?

Instructors with an account can log into the Turnitin website here. Use the Forgot Your Password link to create a password for this site. 

For assistance using a Turnitin instructor account, please consult this website (Step 1 of the guide is completed by submitting this request). 

Please note the following:
Instructors must use Canvas to collect student submissions for plagiarism detection. An instructor account can be used to review a one-time suspected plagiarism event where the Canvas assignment was not used for automated detection.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost for this service.