Change BGSU Password


How do I change my BGSU password?


If your password is set to expire soon, or you wish to change your BGSU password for other reasons, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log in to MyBGSU
  2. Select IT Service Desk from the top navigation menu.
  3. Select BGSU Password Management from the left navigation menu.
  4. Select your name from the top right corner of the self-service page. 
  5. Select Settings.
  6. Navigate to the Change Password section.
  7. Review the password requirements and then enter your current password in the current password field.
  8. Enter the new password into the new password and confirm new password fields.
  9. Select Change Password.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.


Article ID: 133606
Wed 6/23/21 4:11 PM
Tue 10/10/23 9:41 AM