Windows Audio Troubleshooting


How can I troubleshoot audio issues on my Windows device?


  1. Type sound into the search bar located on your Windows task bar.
  2. Select Sound Settings.
  3. Under Output, ensure the dropdown is set to either the computer's built-in output device/speakers (the internal audio output's name is device-specific) or to any external device you may have connected to your computer, such as headphones.
    • Confirm you have the appropriate output selected by using the Master volume tool. Move the slider back-and-forth to ensure that you can hear sound coming from the device.
  4. Under Input, ensure the dropdown is set to either the computer's built-in input device/microphone (the internal audio input's name is device-specific) or to any external device you may have connected to your computer such as a microphone.
    • Confirm you have the appropriate input selected by using the Test your microphone tool. Speak toward your computer and confirm that audio levels are detected on the microphone sound scale (this will be indicated by a fluctuating blue line).
  5. Once you have confirmed the appropriate input/output has been selected, close the Sound Settings window.

Please note: It is recommended that you check these settings each time you connect or disconnect an input/output device to ensure that the sound settings do not auto-select the wrong device. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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