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How to forget a network SSID
Restricting access to Canvas quizzes based on location.
Instructions for connecting your Google/Android mobile device/tablet to the eduroam network at BGSU
Information regarding the types of devices NOT permitted on the BGSU network.
Instructions for troubleshooting eduroam connection with "no internet"
Instructions for connecting your Apple mobile device/tablet to the eduroam network at BGSU
Locations of other eduroam participating institutions.
Explanation of varying wireless signal strength on campus including a link to test your internet speed.
How to use the free utility/installer provided by eduroam that configures all the settings a system needs to connect.
Restrictions on using wireless access points
Use this guide to connect your Switch to the BGSU network.
Troubleshooting instructions for device stuck in "connecting" to eduroam state.
Instructions for connecting your personal Apple computer to the eduroam network at BGSU
Instructions for adding a PlayStation 5 to the BGSU network in residence halls.
Explanation of why Windows 7 university-owned machines are not permitted on the BGSU network.