eduroam Connection Gets Stuck on Connecting


What can I do when opening the list of available wireless networks on my Windows device and eduroam gets stuck in the "connecting” status and does not complete the connection?


If eduroam is stuck in a state of "connecting" on your device, you will need to accept the wireless certificate by following these steps:

  1. On the wireless list, select eduroam and verify Connect automatically is selected.
  2. Select Connect.
  3. This will prompt the computer to ask if you expect eduroam at this location. This is due to the certificate not being trusted. Select Connect to accept the new certificate.
  4. After it connects you should see eduroam display a message Connected, secured.
  5. Restart the PC and verify that the machine is able to log in normally while automatically connecting to eduroam.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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