Requesting a Microsoft Team


How do I request a new Microsoft Team?


There are two ways to a request a new Microsoft Team; dependent upon if your team currently has a SharePoint site.

Please complete the SharePoint Sites & Microsoft Teams: Request New Site form based on one of the options outlined below. 

Currently have SharePoint Site

If the group for which you are requesting a Microsoft Team has an existing  SharePoint site, select yes when answering the "Do you currently have a site that you would like to attach a Team to?" question, and list the desired site name for which you would like to link your Team.

*ITS will evaluate this request. Only top-level sites are currently capable of this addition.

No SharePoint Site

If the group for which you are requesting a Microsoft Team does not have an existing SharePoint site, please complete the Request New Site form

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Report an issue or request assistance with your SharePoint Site or Microsoft (MS) Team.
Interested in using Sites or MS Teams for collaboration within your department or group? First you must request a site from Information Technology Services (ITS).

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