How Do I Add Classes in MyBGSU?


How do I add classes within MyBGSU?


The instructions below will assist you in searching for, and adding a class within MyBGSU. The ability to enroll in classes opens up towards the middle of each semester. The open date to add/enroll in classes is based on whether the student has an affiliation of freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior.  

  1. Login to MyBGSU and select Student Center.
  2. Select the Classes & Registration tile.
  3. Select Class Search located in the left panel. 
  4. Using the search fields, search for the class you wish to locate and select Search.
  5. Once you have determined the class you wish to add, choose Select.
  6. Select Next.
  7. The class has been added to your Shopping Cart.
  8. Once you have added all classes desired, select Shopping Cart from the left menu panel to finish enrolling in selected classes.

 For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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