Duo Two Factor Security Tokens


How do I purchase and use a Duo Two Factor Authentication security Token?


ITS recommends purchasing a token only if you have no other means for authenticating your device (alternative methods include a mobile phone, tablet, office phone, etc.).

To purchase a Two Factor Authentication security token you must contact ITS directly at 419-372-0999 or ITSchat.bgsu.edu to set up an appointment for pickup.

There are two options for purchasing a Two Factor token – a personal purchase or a department purchase. Personal token purchases must be made using your BG1 card/BG Bucks and department purchases require the department charge code and department approval.

There is a $20.00 fee for the purchase of each token. 

Expand this panel for instructions on using the security token. 

**Please do not approve Duo authentication requests if you have not attempted to log in to a protected service. For more information review this article** 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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