Can I Move My University Telephone to a New Location on Campus?


Can I move my university telephone to a new location on campus?


University telephones are to remain in the department's possession until the department orders the phone out of service by submitting this form

If the phone is staying in the current budget department and with the same person, just moving around in the area, the phones may be moved by departmental staff as needed.  ITS does not need to be contacted unless there is an issue such as needing a different cord.  ITS staff do not move furniture.

If the physical location of a position moves, the telephone moves with it. In this case, the user does not need to contact ITS and can move the equipment themselves. If you experience issues moving your telephone, please submit a Change in Telephone Service Request.

If the phone number on the phone is published as the number to call for that position and the employee currently filling that position moves to a new position and location, the phone stays in the current location for use by the new person filling that position. Neither the phone nor the extension moves with a person who changes departments.


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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