Accessing ZDAM


How do I access ZDAM?


ZDAM is BGSU's digital asset management solution that serves as a single repository for rich media assets including videos, photos, Microsoft Word documents, PDFs, audio files and more. Users can easily search for assets within ZDAM to recall, re-purpose, and re-distribute as needed.

If you require shared access to digital assets stored in ZDAM, please submit a ZDAM Account Request form. ZDAM requires access via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and digital assets are no longer available via the BGSU file share (R:drive). 

Users with a ZDAM account can access the tool using either the web application or the desktop application:

ZDAM Web App

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your BGSU username and password.


ZDAM Desktop App

The ZDAM desktop app is available for download in the Microsoft Software Center (Windows devices) and the BGSU Self Service application (Mac devices). Once installed, follow these instructions to log in:

  1. Open the ZDAM application.
  2. Enter as the site URL.
  3. Enter your BGSU username.
  4. Navigate to in a browser.
    • You will need to access the web app to get your password.
  5. Select Account (person icon) from the top right corner of the screen.
  6. Select My Preferences.
  7. Select Copy API Key.
    • This automatically copies the API key which will serve as your password for the desktop app. 
  8. Paste the API key in the password field.
  9. Check the SSO Used for Login​​​​​​​ box.
  10. Select Login.
  11. You should now be logged in to the ZDAM desktop app.
    • You will remain logged in to the desktop app until you manually log out by selecting logout​​​​​​​ or after you logout/restart you device after you must repeat these steps and get a new API key password from the web application.


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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