What is the process for delivery/shipping or the return of technology equipment purchased through ITS?
- Equipment purchased through ITS will be delivered to the on-campus location specified in the purchase ticket.
- Off-campus equipment delivery for faculty/staff (IE. remote staff) is the responsibility of the requestor/requestor's department.
- The return of equipment purchased through ITS either for hardware support or to return to ITS inventory (device replacement, staff departure, etc.) is the responsibility of the requestor/requestor's department and should be delivered to the following address(es):
Equipment needing hardware support:
ATTN: Greg Gilbert, ITS Hardware Support
Bowling Green State University
134 Hayes Hall
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Equipment being returned to ITS inventory:
ATTN: Ben Payne, ITS Asset Management
Bowling Green State University
134 Hayes Hall
Bowling Green, OH 43403
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.