Telephone Directory Change to Student Data


How can a student request changes be made to the information displayed in the BGSU Online Telephone Directory?


As a BGSU student, all information displayed in a BGSU Directory search (except email address) depends on your status.

  • Undergraduate Student: Only legal name and BGSU email address are displayed.
  • Graduate Student Without an Assistantship: Only legal name and BGSU email address are displayed.
  • Graduate Student With an Assistantship: Student's office location and office phone number through the department funding your contract are displayed unless a request is submitted to change to your campus mailing address through the Graduate College
Who to Contact to Correct Inaccurate Information
Name  Registration & Records, Huntington Building - 1851 N. Research Drive.
    (See name change request form with instructions about supporting documentation)
Username Review this article for information on changing a BGSU username
Chosen Name Review this article for instructions to change chosen name
Address (Graduate Assistantship Only) Graduate College, 120 McFall Center
Phone (Graduate Assistantship Only) Graduate College, 120 McFall Center

Withholding Directory Information
As a result of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students have the right to withhold specific personal information including their campus directory data. For more information, see:  Request to Withhold Directory Information

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.