How Do I Report That an External Email Was Not Tagged Correctly?


I received an email from an outside source that was not properly tagged, what should I do?


If you receive a message from an email address external to BGSU that is not tagged with [External], please report it to BGSU Information Security:

  1. Open new email and address it to
  2. Attach the nontagged email
    • From the Message section of the menu ribbon, click Attach File and select Attach Item (envelope symbol) and selecting the email from your Inbox.
  3.  Add any additional information to the body of the email on why it should be tagged as external.
  4. Send the message and Information Security will review the request and take the appropriate action. 

*Please note: Email originating from services previously approved by BGSU Information Security may not include the external tagging message. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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