Where can I find general information/frequently asked questions about the BGSU voicemail to email service?
Expand the panels in this article to learn more about various voicemail to email topics.
What Is the Voicemail to Email Service?
The voicemail to email service sends voicemail messages, as a .wav file attachment, to your BGSU email account so you can listen to your messages directly from your BGSU email inbox. This feature will be/was added to BGSU telephone extensions on Dec. 14, 2020
Do All University Telephone Extensions Have the Voicemail to Email Service?
No. Only University telephone extensions with all of the voicemail to email requirements met will be configured for the voicemail to email service by default.
However, voicemail boxes that do meet the requirements will have the feature enabled by default.
The requirements are:
- The voicemail box for the extension has not been opted out of the feature.
- There is a valid email that has not been used for another voicemail to email extension.
- The voicemail box owner userID is the same as the email userID.
Can I Opt-Out of Voicemail to Email?
When Onboarding New Employees, Do I Need to Request Voicemail to Email Be Enabled?
No. As of December 14, 2020, new voicemail accounts will have this feature automatically enabled, provided the mailbox is configured with a user ID. Departmental or non-personal mailboxes may require additional configuration.
Can An Email Address Receive Messages From More Than One Voicemail Account?
No. However, the email mailbox owner can set up email forwarding rules for the secondary voicemail email messages. Forwarding rules will allow voicemail messages from multiple accounts to be consolidated and viewable within one email account.
Can Voicemail to Email Capabilities Be Set Up for a Departmental or Non-Personal Voicemail Box?
Yes. This can be done if there is a real email box or a proxy email box set up as the departmental/non-personal email account. This is not done by default. Please submit a Change in Telephone Service Request to have this set up for departmental voicemail boxes. Each email address can only be set for one voicemail box in the system, but a voicemail box may have more than one phone number that it answers for.
Can a Non-BGSU Email Address Be Configured to Receive the Voicemail Email Messages?
No. Only email addresses can be used.
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.