How Do I View Statistics Reports for a Quiz in New Quizzes?


How Do I view statistics for a quiz in New Quizzes?


  1. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  2. Select the name of the Quiz.
  3. Select the Build button.
  4. Select the Reports tab.

Quiz Analysis

Here you are able to view:

  1. High Score: displays highest percentage score.
  2. Low Score: displays lowest percentage score.
  3. Mean Score: displays average percentage score.
  4. Standard Deviation: represents the amount of variation from the mean score.
  5. Mean Elapsed Time: displays average time to complete quiz.
  6. Cronbach’s Alpha: measures internal consistency of how closely related a set of items are as a group.

Item Analysis

Here you are able to view:

  1. Difficulty Index: measures the proportion of students who answered the question correctly. Calculated by dividing the number of correct answers by the number of times the item was included in the quiz.
  2. Discrimination Index: measures how well a question can tell the difference between students who do well on the exam and those who do not. Calculated by subtracting the bottom 27% of difficulty index scores from the top 27% of difficulty index scores.
  3. RPB (Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient): measures the correlation between a given item and the total score.
  4. Mean Earned Score: displays average point score.

Outcomes Analysis

Here you are able to view:

  1. Shows each student who has completed a quiz.
  2. Shows mastery results for each outcome.
  3. Outcome Detail: shows number of students who reached mastery, description, average score, and score required to earn mastery, number of students who score within each criteria level, and how mastery is calculated.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.


Article ID: 139135
Tue 11/2/21 4:41 PM
Tue 12/19/23 2:18 PM