How do I view information like student attempt, time and log for a Canvas Quiz in New Quizzes?
View Student Attempt
- In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
- Select the name of a Quiz.
- Select the Build button.
- Select the Moderate tab.
- Here you can view Student Attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
- Select Attempt link to view details of the student attempt.
- Here you can view the student's answers and grades for each question.
View Student Log
- In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
- Select the name of the Quiz.
- Select the Build button.
- Select the Moderate tab.
- Here you can view Student Attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
- Select View Log for a log of a students' interactions with the quiz.
- Here you can view the time and date a student began the quiz, completed the quiz, each event completed while student was taking the quiz, and the time the event was completed.
View In Progress Attempts
- In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
- Select the name of the Quiz.
- Select the Build button.
- Select the Moderate tab.
- Here you can view Student attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
- Log will say "In Progress" if attempt is in progress.
- To manually submit in-progress attempts select the attempts link.
View Failed Autograding
In some instances, New Quizzes may fail to automatically grade a student quiz.
- In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
- Select the name of the Quiz.
- Select the Build button.
- Select the Moderate tab.
- Here you can view Student attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
- Select Autograding Failed from the Sort by drop-down menu.
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.