How to View Student Attempt, Time, and Log for a New Quiz


How do I view information like student attempt, time and log for a Canvas Quiz in New Quizzes?


View Student Attempt

  1. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  2. Select the name of a Quiz.
  3. Select the Build button.
  4. Select the Moderate tab.
    • Here you can view Student Attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
  5. Select Attempt link to view details of the student attempt.
    • Here you can view the student's answers and grades for each question.

View Student Log

  1. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  2. Select the name of the Quiz.
  3. Select the Build button.
  4. Select the Moderate tab.
    • Here you can view Student Attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
  5. Select View Log for a log of a students' interactions with the quiz.
    • Here you can view the time and date a student began the quiz, completed the quiz, each event completed while student was taking the quiz, and the time the event was completed.

View In Progress Attempts

  1. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  2. Select the name of the Quiz.
  3. Select the Build button.
  4. Select the Moderate tab.
    • Here you can view Student attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
  5. Log will say "In Progress" if attempt is in progress.
    • To manually submit in-progress attempts select the attempts link.

View Failed Autograding

In some instances, New Quizzes may fail to automatically grade a student quiz.

  1. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  2. Select the name of the Quiz.
  3. Select the Build button.
  4. Select the Moderate tab.
    • Here you can view Student attempt, Score, Time, Log, and if you have added Accommodations.
  5. Select Autograding Failed from the Sort by drop-down menu.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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