Create Randomized Assessment In New Quizzes


 How do I randomize questions/answers in Canvas? 


The Canvas item bank feature is the key to creating a quiz that has randomized questions. Once complete, instructors are able to move content (item bank) from course shell to course shell.  

Note: If you need your questions to appear in a specific order, do not place quiz questions inside an item bank. If you need assistance creating an Item Bank, please use this guide

  1. Begin by signing in to Canvas and selecting the course you wish to work on. 
  2. Select Quizzes from the navigation pane. 
  3. Open the assessment by selecting its title
  4. To open New Quizzes from an existing assessment, select the Build button. 
  5. Select Item Banks
  6. Select the name of the item bank you would like to use. 
  7. Select +All/Random.
  8. By default, the assessment includes all items from the item bank and will award one point per question. To edit these settings:  
    1. Select the Edit icon.
    2. To use all items from the item bank, select Use all questions
    3. To adjust the amount of points awarded per question, enter the number in the Points per question field.  
    4. To randomly select a specific number of itemsselect Randomly select questions and enter the number of items to use in the Number of questions field. 
    5. To save your settings, select Done

Note: When you add stimulus content to an item bank, questions attached to the stimulus content are not automatically added and must be added to the item bank manually. Likewise, when you add stimulus content to an assessment from an item bank, attached questions are not automatically added. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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