How to Give a Student Additional Attempts on a Quiz In New Quizzes


How do I give a student(s) additional attempts on a quiz with the New Quizzes engine?


  1. Navigate to your Canvas Course
  2. From the course navigation on the left, select Quizzes
  3. Select the name of the quiz
  4. Select Build
  5. Select the Moderate tab. 
  6. Select the Moderate button next to the student's name who you would like to grant additional attempts. 
  7. Enter the number of additional attempts in the Additional Attempts text box. 
  8. Select the X on the moderate window to save the change. 

If a quiz requires an access code, students will still need to enter that code to begin their quiz attempt after it has been manually unlocked. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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