Search7 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Communication Tools
- Telephone, Voicemail & Fax
- Voicemail to Email
Information regarding voicemail to email attachments and what voicemail to email messages look like.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications/Software
- Four Winds
Information regarding who is responsible for digital sign content.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications/Software
- Canvas
- Canvas for Faculty
- Troubleshooting, How Tos & General Information
Instructions for fixing the "the email cannot be sent since the class has already been completed" in Canvas.
- Knowledge Base
- BGSU Accounts
- BGSU Account & Password
What is AlertBG? How does it work?
- Knowledge Base
- Applications/Software
- Bridge
Information on how to create and manage Bridge users/groups.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications/Software
- ListServ
ListServ message delivery/delay issues, LisServ error messages and recommended troubleshooting steps.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications/Software
- ListServ
Describes how to set up a ListServ with an auto-response message.