What does a BGSU voicemail to email message look like and what is included with the message?
Expand the panels in this article to learn more about various voicemail to email components and to see message examples.
What Is the Voicemail to Email File Attachment Type?
Voicemail messages received via email are saved as .wav files and require no additional software to open.
What is Included In a Voicemail to Email Message?
The format of email to voicemail messages depends on whether the call was from an internal BGSU caller or an external caller.
External call emails will indicate “BGSU Voicemail from Unknown sender...” and the phone number will be displayed in the subject line.
Unknown Internal BGSU caller emails will include the "BGSU Voicemail from Unknown sender..." with the BGSU extension in the subject line.
Known Internal BGSU caller emails will include the "BGSU Voicemail from..." and the caller’s name/BGSU extension in the subject line.
Do Voicemail to Email Attachments Include a Written Transcript?
No, voicemail attachments do not include a transcript.
Cisco Phone Voicemail to Email Message - Example
This is an example of what a voicemail to email message from a Cisco phone system might look like as well as a detailed list of characteristics.

Characteristics of Cisco Phone Voicemail to Email Message
- From/Sender Email Address: From/sender email address will always be "BGSU Voicemail System <unityconnection@hays-ucxn-01>".
- Email Subject: Subject will NOT have the [External] tag and will always be "BGSU voicemail from...". If the message is from a person at BGSU it will list the name, otherwise, it will list "Unknown Sender".
- Attachment: The message will include an attachment called "VoiceMessage.wav".
- Additional Information: There will always be a corresponding message on your Cisco phone or in Jabber for these voicemails.
Microsoft Teams Voicemail to Email Message - Example
This is an example of what a voicemail to email message from Microsoft Teams might look like as well as a detailed list of characteristics.

Characteristics of Microsoft Teams Voicemail to Email Message
- From/Sender Email Address: From/sender email address will be from a BGSU account/email address.
- Email Subject: Subject will NOT have the [External Tag] and will always be "Voice Mail (XX seconds)..." with the message duration within the parenthesis.
- Attachment: The message will include an attachment called "audio.mp3".
- Email Body: The email message will include a transcript of the voicemail along with the job title, phone number, and email address of the sender.
- Additional Information: If you hover over the link at the bottom of the message, you will see that it goes to "".
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.