Types of University Device Requests


Descriptions of the various types of University device requests.



What are the various types of University Device Requests?


When submitting a University Device Request form, you are asked to select the use case/request type from a list of options for the "What will this device be used for?" question, based on your needs. Below is a list of each type of request option and what they mean:

New Hire - Full-Time

This request is for a device for a new, full-time BGSU employee and is at no cost to the department unless the department is an auxiliary department. Devices for new employees are issued in the form of a standard University device; available options are listed on our University Devices webpage. Laptops are the default standard device and requests for desktop devices are subject to approval by ITS.

View Instructions for Requesting a University Device for a New Hire (Full-Time)

View Instructions for Repurposing and Existing Device (Auxiliary Departments Only)

New Hire - Adjunct/Part-Time

Use this type of request for newly hired adjunct faculty. New adjunct faculty receive gently-used laptop devices at no cost to the department. Accessories (including monitor, docking station, keyboard, and mouse) are not included.

View Instructions for Requesting a University Device for a New Hire (Adjunct/Part-Time)


Select this option if you are in need of a device(s) for an upcoming University event. Event device requests are for temporary use and are issued in the form of gently-used devices at no cost to the department.   

View Instructions for Requesting a University Device(s) for an Event

Student/GA/Shared Device

Student/GA/Shared device is one that is used by multiple BGSU employees and/or student staff/graduate assistants. The device is assigned to a department rather than a single user and is issued in the form of a gently-used device at no cost to the department. Student/GA/Shared devices do not include accessories such as docking station, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. 

View Instructions for Requesting a New Student/GA/Shared University Device

Replacement Device

A replacement device request is for a device that will replace an existing, University-owned device. There are no costs incurred for replacement device requests made by non-auxiliary departments and replacement devices are issued in the form of a gently-used University-owned device. The replacement device will be the same/similar model as the existing device (based on availability ) unless otherwise noted in the ticket/request.

View Instructions fo Requesting a New Student/GA/Shared University Device

Device Add-on/Accessory

Select this option if you wish to purchase an additional accessory or piece of technology equipment not otherwise included with your current University-owned device setup. For example, an additional monitor or external webcam. Details regarding cost and purchase method are available on our Device & Accessory Purchasing Guidelines website.

View Instructions fo Requesting a Device Add-On/Accessory for a University Device

New Computer Purchase

A new computer purchase request is one for a device that is not replacing an existing device or for a new hire, or for a device not available in our standard device or gently-used device inventory. This option can also be used for department or grant-funded purchases for an employee secondary device. Costs for new device purchases are dependent on the system.

View Instructions for Requesting a New Computer Purchase


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.



Article ID: 138579
Tue 10/12/21 8:38 AM
Wed 12/18/24 9:05 AM