How Do I Print in Canvas New Quizzes?


How do I print in Canvas New Quizzes?


  1. Open Quiz.
  2. Select Build.
  3. Select the Options icon (3 stacked dots on right side).
  4. Select one of the print options.
    1. Print Key (With Answers).
      • This option allows you to print a quiz with answers shown. The printed quiz looks similar to the New Quizzes build page.
    2. Print Blank Quiz
      • This option allows you to print a quiz with no answers shown. The printed quiz looks similar to the student's view while taking a quiz.
  5. Select Text Size.
    1. Medium, Large, or X-Large.
    2. To remember your text size setting, select the Remember text size setting check box.
  6. Select Print Preview for a preview of the print.
  7. To print your quiz, select Print.

You may view the Canvas article for printing here.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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