Classroom Recording Checklist


What is the best way to record my lecture while teaching inside a classroom at BGSU?


Create the Meeting 

Creating a meeting using the Zoom integration within Canvas is not recommended when sharing lecture content with a single student who is unable to attend class in person. To prevent recorded lecture content from being widely available to your entire class, create your meeting in Zoom and share recorded content direct with the individual student. 

  1. Navigate to and create a new meeting. 
  2. Under Time Zone, select Recurring meeting.
  3. Select No Fixed Time under the Recurrence dropdown. 
  4. Under Security, select Waiting Room.
  5. Under Meeting Options, select Automatically Record Meeting and make sure that In the Cloud is selected
  6. Save the meeting.
  7. Copy the meeting Invite Link to a location that will be easily accessible during class.  
    • For example, create an unpublished module in your Canvas course and save the Invite Link there. 
  8. Follow these steps to create a meeting for each course you are teaching where you might need to record. 

Starting the Meeting 

  1. From the classroom computer, navigate to where you saved your meeting Invite Link
  2. Select the meeting Invite Link and start the meeting from the classroom computer, the meeting should automatically start recording
  3. If you need to capture content being shown on the classroom computer, such as a PowerPoint, select the share button from the Zoom meeting menu

Sharing the Recording 

  1. Follow the guide on how to Share a Zoom Cloud Recording to share it with the individual unable to attend class in person.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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