Manually Import Canvas Classic Quiz Question Banks to New Quizzes Item Banks


How can I add questions from Question Banks in Classic Quizzes as an Item Bank in Canvas New Quizzes?


Currently, Question Banks cannot be imported into New Quizzes as Item Banks. However, a workaround exists by creating a new Classic Quiz that contains a question group with all questions from a Question Bank.

Prepare the Question Bank for Export 

  1. Create a new Classic Quiz assessmentTitle the quiz the same as the question bank you are importing to New Quizzes
  2. Select the Questions tab (above the quiz title). 
  3. Select the Find Questions button. 
  4. Select the question bank you would like to import from the left. 
  5. Check Select All to choose all the questions from the question bank. 
  6. Select Add Questions.
  7. Save the quiz

Export the Question Bank 

  1. Navigate to Course Settings and select the Export Course Content button. 
  2. Select Quiz as the Export Type.  
  3. By default, All Quizzes will be selected. Select the checkbox next to All Quizzes, then check the box to select the quiz with the Question Bank you would like to import
  4. Select Create Export
  5. Select the New Export link to export the ZIP file when completed. 

Import the Question Bank to New Quizzes 

  1. Create an assessment using the New Quizzes engine.
  2. Select the ellipses (...) from the upper right-hand corner, then select Manage Item Banks.  
  3. Select + Bank to create a new item bank. 
  4. Enter name for the new Item Bank.
  5. Select Create Bank
  6. Open the Item Bank by selecting its title. 
  7. Select the ellipses (...).
  8. Select Import Content
  9. Upload the exported ZIP file
  10. Select Import to import it into the item bank. 

Note: Item Banks will not allow additional content to be imported once questions have been added to a quiz. However, individual questions may be added manually. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Article ID: 132778
Wed 5/26/21 4:30 PM
Fri 8/9/24 4:27 PM