What are some important IT items of note for lab and classroom construction projects?
- Beginning Summer 2021, all projects involving changes to technology in BGSU classrooms or computer labs where the work occurs over the summer must have PRFs completed (where applicable) and requirements finalized no later than February 28. Projects that are not ready by February 28 must be rescheduled for a future break period.
- Special exceptions may be made with approval from the CIO and Associate Vice President for Capital Planning and Campus Operations.
- Special exception criteria:
- Complexity of the project (if the change is simple, it may be approved).
- Need is the result of equipment failure.
- If your project requires audiovisual equipment, current delays with equipment shipping may force further delays. It is best to get this sort of project requested as soon as possible.
- University construction projects involving a classroom or computer lab that are not complete within 15 business days of the start of the subsequent term, ITS cannot guarantee that the installation of technology and/or provisioning of software will be available for the first day of classes.
- As of Spring Semester 2021, ITS no longer assists with computer/equipment moves for large construction projects. Logistics firms should be involved to assist.
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.