How Do I Create a Secure Meeting in Zoom


How do I create a secure meeting in Zoom?


The following settings will ensure everyone signing into your meeting has an active BGSU account and require all participants to wait in a waiting room before joining your meeting. You can enable either feature or both for a very secure meeting. If you enable the feature to require an active BGSU account, no one external to BGSU will be permitted to join your meeting.

ITS recommends enabling these features for most meetings, however, please note that enabling these security measures may limit your meeting options.

One Time Zoom Setup

  1. Schedule a new meeting using the Zoom website or the Zoom app. 
  2. Under Advanced Optionsselect one or both of the following:
    • Enable Waiting Room to enable the waiting room option.
    • Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom to enable the feature that limits participants to only those with an active BGSU account.

One Time Canvas Setup

  1. Launch your Canvas Course and select Zoom from the left navigation
  2. Select the option to Schedule a Meeting.
  3. Enable one or both of the following based on your preference:
    • Under the Security section, enable the Waiting Room to enable the waiting room option.
    • Under Meeting Options, select the option for Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom to enable the feature that limits participants to only those with an active BGSU account.

Change Security Settings for All Meetings Moving Forward

  1. Log in to the Zoom Website and select My Account from the top right. 
  2. Select Settings from left navigation. 
  3. On the page that comes up, locate and enable the option for Waiting Room.
  4. Further down this page, locate and enable option for Only authenticated users can join meetings from Web client.
  5. Select Save. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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