Following a Document/File/Site in SharePoint


How do I "follow" a document, file or site in SharePoint?


SharePoint allows users to follow a document to see update and share notifications in their newsfeed. Users can also follow a site to keep it accessible in a list of followed sites and to see site feed activity in their own newsfeed.

Follow Documents

View this SharePoint documentation for instructions on following documents. 

Follow a Site

  1. Navigate to a SharePoint site that you want to follow.
  2. Select Follow in the top right of the page.
  3. If the site has a newsfeed, to stay up to date with site news, look for updates from the site feed in your own newsfeed.

Find a Site You Are Following

  1. Sites SharePoint in the header. 
  2. Your followed sites appear under Following in the left navigation menu. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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