IT Project Status Definitions


Information regarding the status of IT projects.



What does the Status of my IT project mean?


The following project statuses are used by Information Technology Services (ITS). These can be found in multiple locations, including through the TeamDynamix portal (if you are listed as the project requestor) or on various reports created by ITS. 


Not Scheduled

The project has been approved by the appropriate BGSU governance committee but has not been assigned resources due to capacity or timing considerations. All approved projects begin with this status.



A project manager has been assigned, but the project has yet to begin. The project manager will work with the requestor to kick-off the project.


On Schedule

The project is in progress and is anticipated to be complete by the listed end/due date.


On Schedule - Testing

The project is in progress and is currently in the testing phase.  It is anticipated to be complete by the listed end/due date.


Behind Schedule

The project is in-progress, however, it is currently lagging behind on at least one critical component of the scope. It is anticipated the lag will impact delivering the project on schedule. Based on the nuances of the project, a new due date can be established and the status can shift back to “On Schedule”.


Behind Schedule - Testing

The project is in-progress, however, it is currently lagging behind in the testing phase. It is anticipated the lag will impact delivering the project on schedule. Based on the nuances of the project, a new due date can be established and the status can shift back to “On Schedule”.


On Hold

The project was “On Schedule”, however, due to resources, timing, cost, vendor, or scope related issues/changes, it has been temporarily put on hold. Currently, no work is in-progress for the project.



The project is 100% complete (including the Project Closure Meeting) and has been implemented in production.



The project has been cancelled and all resources have been released from this project.


The listed project or portfolio manager will be able to provide additional status detail upon request.


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.



Article ID: 93569
Mon 12/2/19 1:17 PM
Mon 5/13/24 11:34 AM