Device Repair Services


Does ITS offer device repair services?


Yes, ITS offers both warranty and out-of-warranty repairs for Dell and Apple University-owned and personal devices.

Please call ITS to arrange drop off. When submitting your device, ITS will collect some basic information about the device and its symptoms. If the issue appears to be hardware-related, we will check it in for repair. Your warranty will be covered as long as there is no accidental, water, or fall-based damage. 

There are no costs for computers that are under warranty. Repair costs for non-warranty services will depend on the costs of the parts involved.

Please take note of the below-outlined rules, as some special rules apply based on the manufacturer. 

General Rules

  • We do not support personally owned printers, scanners, fax machines, etc.
  • No servicing for personally-owned system that has had liquid damage (pop, coffee, etc.).
  • If the device is required to be sent out to the manufacturer, this will add to the total repair time.
  • If a manufacturer has discontinued needed repair parts, ITS may be unable to complete the repair. 

Apple Specific Rules

  • ITS only services computers (We cannot service mobile devices).
  • We will only support Macs with OS 10.12 (Sierra) or higher. 
  • We offer a reformat service. A reformat will take your Mac back to factory settings. All data will be lost. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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