What Software Runs on BGLinux?


What software runs on BGLinux?




Base Products:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 

OpenSource/Freeware Products:

  • antlr2 
  • Bokeh python library 
  • boost 
  • C++ 
  • clang 
  • cmake 
  • COBOL 
  • ControlP5 library 
  • cppunit 
  • D3 
  • docbook2X 
  • emacs 
  • freeGLUT 
  • Gensim python library 
  • GNU Octave 
  • Gnuplot 
  • Keras python library 
  • libantlr 
  • libarchive 
  • libcurl4-openssl 
  • libssl 
  • libxml2 
  • libxslt1 
  • Matplotlib python library 
  • Maxima 
  • MayaVi 
  • NLTK python library 
  • NumPy python library 
  • Open MPI 
  • OpenDX 
  • OpenMP 
  • Oracle client support for C++ and Python 
  • Pandas python library 
  • PERL 
  • pico 
  • Plotly python library 
  • Processing 
  • Python2 
  • Python3 
  • Qt 
  • R Statistical Package 
  • SciKit-Learn python library 
  • Scilab 
  • SciPy python library 
  • Scrapy python library 
  • Seaborn python library 
  • Statsmodels python library 
  • TensorFlow python library 
  • Theano python library 
  • Tkinter python library 
  • tree 
  • VolPack 
  • VTK 

BGSU ITS provides basic instructions on how to connect to BGLinux, if you have specific questions regarding using BGLinux, please contact your course professor.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Article ID: 7437
Tue 7/7/15 10:19 AM
Mon 5/6/24 9:12 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

This page provides direction for obtaining an individual BGLinux account.