IT Project Definitions (Priority/Status/Health)


What do the various IT Project terms mean? 

  • Priority
  • Status
  • Health


Expand the panels in this article for detailed descriptions of the various ITS Project priorities, statuses and health colors. 

IT Project Priorities

The following defines the various project priorities used by Information Technology Services. 

This project directly effects enrollment, revenue or student success. Additionally, this project may have a firm deadline in order to meet an organizational objective and/or University strategic goal. This project might reduce overall labor or improve data quality by implementing efficiencies within a department or intra-departments.

This project has merit but does not directly affect enrollment, revenue or student success.

This project is basically a nice to have.


Any member of the Executive Sponsors Committee may raise the question as to the priority of any project and recommend that the project be re-evaluated or changed to a different priority. A vote of the members present is required to determine the new priority.


IT Project Status Definitions

The following project statuses are used by Information Technology Services (ITS). These can be found in multiple locations, including through the TeamDynamix portal (if you are listed as the project requestor) or on various reports created by ITS. 


The listed project or portfolio manager will be able to provide additional status detail upon request.


IT Project Health Definitions

The Health of an IT Project indicates whether the project is moving along according to schedule or whether there are issues encountered along the way causing delays in the scheduled implementation.  The following Health (colors) are used by ITS:​​​



For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.