How do I use OnBase QA Test Scripts as a Functional Lead?
Expand the panels in this article to learn more about using OnBase QA Test Scripts as a Functional Lead.
View Project Test Scripts in the OnBase QA Test Scripts Application
To view project test scripts in the OnBase QA Test Scripts application:
- Select the All Test Scripts filter.
- Select the project you wish to access from the Please Select a Project drop-down menu.
- Select Search.
- Filter the results by area, status, tester, etc.
- Double-click one of the listed tests to open it.
- You can now make edits and/or view more details about the selected test script.
Add a New Test Script To the OnBase QA Test Scripts Application
To new test script to the OnBase QA Test Scripts application:
- Select the Functional Lead Filter/Functional Lead – Area Filter.
- Filter by area, project name, test phase, etc.
- Double-click the Area to view all test scripts for that area.
- Select the plus (+) button to add a new test script.
- Input the new test script details.
- Module/Test # must be unique to the current project/testing phase.
- Select Save, Save and New (to add more test scripts) or Save and Close.
Delete a Test Script in the OnBase QA Test Script Application
To delete test scripts in the OnBase QA Test Script application:
- Select the Functional Lead Filter/Functional Lead – Area Filter.
- Filter by area, project name, test phase, etc.
- Double-click the Area to view all test scripts for that area.
- Select the test script to be removed.
- Select the red X button to remove the test script.
Note: This can also be done from the filter screen test list.
Edit a Single Test Script in the OnBase QA Test Scripts Application
To edit a single test script in the OnBase QA Test Scripts application:
- Navigate to the test script you would like to edit.
- In the test script, users can edit the Tester, status, test date, add comments, add details, etc.
- Changing the status to Issue will send an email notification to the Functional Lead and Testing Lead and Tester for that area.
- The testing lead should enter the Jira issue number, once created.
- Add a comment to the script by selecting the plus (+) sign in the right corner of the comment window.
- Enter a comment into the Comment field.
- Users can also drag and drop screenshots into the comment field.
- The Testing Lead will be able to access these details to input into the Jira Issue.
- Select Save or Save and Close when finished editing.
- When the status is ready for retesting, the Testing Lead should update the status to Ready for Retest.
- This will send an email notification to the Testing Lead, Functional Lead, and Tester.
Edit Multiple Test Scripts in the OnBase QA Test Scripts Application
To edit multiple test scripts in the OnBase QA Test Scripts application:
- Select the Functional Lead Filter/Functional Lead – Area Filter.
- Filter by area, project name, test phase, etc.
- Double-click the Area to view all test scripts for that area.
- Select the Edit (pencil) button from the right corner of the test script area.
- Update multiple fields.
- Select the Edit (pencil) button again to exit edit mode once complete.
- Note: If completing a large number of edits, the system may give a warning of processing; no action is needed, it will eventually complete.
- Select Save or Save and Close to save the changes.
OnBase QA Test Script Filters
OnBase QA Test Scripts Functional Leads have access to the following filters:
- Test Script Filters – This allows the user to see all tests associated with projects to which they are assigned Functional Lead by one of the following
- Passed - scripts that passed testing.
- Issue - scripts that resulted in an issue.
- Blank - scripts not yet tested.
- Functional Lead Filters
- Functional Lead – Area Filter – Shows all areas in which the Functional Lead is considered testing lead and includes the ability to add testers to those areas.
- Functional Lead – Test by Area – Shows all tests ONLY for the functional areas for which the user is lead.
- Functional Areas
- Areas – The functional area that testers are added to.
- Testing Signoff – Shows which areas have been approved as complete for the phase of a project.
- My Tests
- My Tests – Displays ONLY tests to which the user is assigned as Tester.
- Project Filters
- Projects – All projects.
Projects: Active – All active projects.
Projects: Inactive – All inactive projects.
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.