How do I use the push button controls inside classrooms at BGSU?
Using the Button-Based Controls
- Locate the button controls on the wall.
- If the projector is OFF, press the ON button at the top of the panel. It should turn white.
- While in use, you can mute the projector temporarily by pressing the mute button on the bottom of the panel. It should turn red.
- If the ON button is already white but the projector appears OFF, try pressing the mute button.
- To use your own laptop, plug your laptop in using the HDMI connection on the instructor's desk and select the HDMI button on the button panel.
- If the HDMI button is already glowing white, you just need to connect your device.
- To switch back to the PC in the room, select the PC button.
- To change the volume in the room, adjust the volume on the computer inside the room.
- When you are finished, press the OFF button to turn the projector OFF. It should turn red.
Images of Common Situations

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