OnBase Text Scripts Access & Information


What is the OnBase QA Test Scripts application and how do I access the application?


The OnBase QA Test Scripts application is an enterprise testing application created to provide a standardized testing repository and tracking system for ITS projects.

At the start of an ITS project, the ITS Testing Lead will add the Functional Lead(s) to the OnBase QA Test Scripts application. Functional Leads and/or the Testing Lead can then assign testers to the OnBase QA Test Scripts. 

Access OnBase QA Test Scripts

  1. Navigate to OnBase via the web application* at https://onbase.bgsu.edu or the Unity desktop application
    • Note: The web application will not have all of the functionality of the desktop application.
  2. Select QA Testing Framework from the Applications drop-down menu. 
  3. You will now have access to your QA Test Scripts and filters.


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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