Creating a ZDAM Collection


How do I create a new collection in ZDAM?


A collection organizes your files into a grouping selected by you. They are not relocated in the file system, but rather serves as a temporary place to group assets, similar to a shortcut.  

Creating a Collection While Browsing

While browsing, a user may want to gather assets together to download, edit metadata, or for various other reasons. This can be accomplished by creating a collection using these instructions:

  1. In the menu at the bottom of the page, select (Create new collection) from the Current collection drop-down menu. 
  2. Enter the collection name and then select Enter/Return on your keyboard.
  3. Navigate around the DAM as you normally would, and as you come across assets that you would like to include in your collection, select the + (plus) button to add them to your newly created collection.
    • As you add assets to the collection, they will become visible in the collection toolbar.
  4. To remove an asset from the collection, click the - (minus) key when you hover your mouse over the asset.
  5. To remove all assets from the collection (but still retain your collection), navigate to the collection bar, and in the Actions menu, click and select Remove assets
    • Note: If you are an admin and have the ability to delete, the Delete all assets option will appear. This option deletes the files from the collection and from the DAM. Remove assets will only remove the files from the collection.


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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