Custom Instructional/Research Compute or Storage Needs


I am in need of an academic/research computing capability or plan/grant that can not be completed with a standard office device or existing ITS service; what should I do?


If you are creating a grant proposal and need assistance defining the technical requirements, or have a research computing need that is outside the scope of existing centrally managed offerings, you can reach out to Information Technology Services (ITS) for assistance. Each solution will be customized to the needs of the individual faculty. 

For examples of services provided, please review our Examples of Custom Instructional/Research Compute or Storage Request article

Please Note: Some large projects or projects that require significant desktop hardware may have a cost. ITS will communicate this cost with you prior to making any purchase.



Typical examples of services provided include:

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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