Completing the Academic Exam Processing Form


How do I complete the exam processing form?


This form will need to be filled out prior to placing the exams into the drop off lockers. Click here to download the form. All exams submitted with a single form must be identical. If you would like to offer different exams you will need to submit multiple forms.

When filling out the report, you will be need to provide the below information. 

  • Title on report
    • Name you wish to be used when returning the scores to you.
  • How many questions on exam?
    • Number of total questions on the exam.
  • How many sections need to be graded?
    • ​Number of unique section

After completing the exam processing form, contact ITS via phone or to schedule a locker drop off. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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