Eduroam Network


What is the eduroam network?


Eduroam is a secure, global wireless network access service created specifically for the research and education community and is the recommended wireless network for use with computers, smart phones and tablets for all BGSU faculty, staff and students.

Authenticate using your BGSU email address ( and password and you can stay logged into the network indefinitely (or until your BGSU password changes). This network is extremeley safe and secure, and encrypts all traffic.

Eduroam also allows users from participating academic institutions to securely access the internet at any other eduroam participating locations.

Visitors to our campus from participating organizations can log on to BGSU's wireless network while on the BGSU campus by searching for wireless networks and selecting the available eduroam SSID. They will be prompted to login using their home institution's email address and password.

For more information, visit our wireless network webpage.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.


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