Discounted Top Hat Student Access

Tags top hat tophat


Are there any discounted options for purchasing access to the Top Hat system for students to use in class?


The current discounted student rate for Top Hat is  $26 for 1 semester, $39 for 1 year and $71 for 4 years.

Students should always login with their BGSU school account using the steps below, this will automatically activate the discounted rate.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for Bowling Green State University.
  3. Select login with school account.
    1. ​​​​​​​A new student account may need to be created and will require a 6 digit course code from their professor
  4. Login with your BGSU username and password. 

For additional assistance, please contact the Information Technology Services  at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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