Installing Matlab on a personal computer for Students


How can students install Matlab on their personal computer?


Downloading and activating Matlab:

In order to install and use Matlab on a personal device, you will need to first create a Matlab Account using your BGSU email address.

 1.Create MathWorks Account using your university email address by visiting

  • During the account creation process, if given the option to "Associate your Account to a License" enter the following license and skip steps 2-4 : 61958-66078-70294-07643-91005

 2. Go to the License Center:

 3. Select Link A License in the upper right hand corner.

 4. When prompted to do so, enter the Activation Key listed in step 1.

 5. To download Matlab go to:

 6. Select MATLAB (Individual) 

 7. Select Download in the upper right hand corner

 8. Select the version that you wish to download. 

  • The current version will be displayed in the middle of the page

 9. Select Windows, macOS, or Linux based on your operating system

Once Matlab has been downloaded, proceed with the install:

1. Locate the installer you downloaded in a file browser. It should be located in the default download location, unless you specified another location.

  • The name of the installer file is:
    • For a  Windows computer: matlab_<release>_win64.exe
    • For a Mac OS X: matlab_<release>

2. Start the installer:

  • Windows: Double-click the installer file you downloaded in the previous step. The Windows Self-Extractor runs, and then the installer starts.
  • Mac OS X: Double-click the installer file you downloaded in the previous step. This action extracts the files and creates another folder called matlab_<release>_maci64, where <release> represents the release number. Inside this folder, double-click InstallForMacOSX to start the installer.

3. Once promoted, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and follow the online instructions.

4. When prompted to do so, select the license you want to use (license should autopopulate if entered earlier).

5. When promoted for the tools, select the addtional tools you want to download/ install.

6. After downloading and installing your products, keep the Activate MATLAB checkbox selected and select Next.

7. Once the install is complete, a Activation Box will come up, select Next, then Confirm and lastly Finish. 

8. When this setup is complete, please follow this link to finalize:


Please note: Matlab is an export controlled software and is subject to review prior to being installed on devices being used for international travel.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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